Swansea City Stadium plays host to 70 young adults as leading cardiologists descend on the City to run the TOBE-Heartsafe community programme
25th October 2024: TOBE-Heartsafe www.tobe-heartsafe.org.uk supported by Carolyn Harris MP (Neath and Swansea East, Deputy Leader of Welsh Labour) is bringing its specialist cardiologists, cardiac nurses and cardiac physiologists to Swansea City this weekend (Saturday 26th October & Sunday 27th October) to deliver cardiac screening for 70 young, amateur football players.
The not-for-profit, community interest company is on a mission to raise awareness about Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) and offer cardiac screenings and basic life support training to sports clubs, schools and institutions that in turn can be expanded into local communities with donations alongside its buy one, donate one model.
It was thanks to a fundraising event with Gareth Bale’s retired sports agent Jonathan Barnett – now patron of TOBE – and his introduction to Carolyn Harris MP, that has made this weekend possible, kindly hosted by Swansea City Academy and Stadium. TOBE-Heartsafe team is running free cardiac screening places to 70 young people (age 14+) from local amateur football clubs as well as training them and their families on how to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).
Prof. Sam Mohiddin consultant cardiologist at St Barts who leads the TOBE Cardiac Screening Programmes says: “Every week in the UK, at least 12 young people aged between 14 and 35 die suddenly from a previously undiagnosed heart condition. Many of these deaths are registered as Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome – SADS and could be avoided by proper screening and training, with meaningful testing starting at 14 years old. While we’ve all read about incidents of young people collapsing, and in some cases dying from undiagnosed heart conditions, tragically this sometimes affects young people engaged in, or resting after, vigorous sport.”
TOBE-Heartsafe was set up by Sam Richards, whose son Toby died suddenly aged 22 from an undiagnosed heart condition. The objective is to reduce the incidence of these tragedies, and to broaden the number of young people who can benefit from screening and be trained. Sam says: “We’re so grateful for our patron Jonathan Barnett introducing us to Carolyn Harris who in turn has been an amazing supporter of TOBE’s mission and our local community programmes. It’s brilliant to be in Swansea this weekend to offer screening and training and our hope is that we can prevent the premature and sudden deaths of other young people who should still be alive, like my son Toby.”
The TOBE-Heartsafe team of cardiac physiologists, nurses and cardiologists provide an on-site screening service which includes a questionnaire, BP check and resting 12 lead ECG. These results are immediately reviewed by the cardiologists and in around 10% of cases they will request an Echocardiogram, which will be done there and then. In a very small number of cases, following the Echocardiogram, the cardiologist might suggest further investigations.
Another vital part of the TOBE Heartsafe programme is basic life support: “We believe that every person who is trained makes every place they go into, a safer place for all,” says Mohiddin. Led by our cardiac nurses, the training gives the learner the skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence in CPR and the safe use of an AED enabling them to provide effective emergency lifesaving first aid.
Carolyn Harris MP says: “I am delighted that we have this opportunity in Swansea, and I will be there at points during the day with the team as we help to raise awareness of SADS and the importance of screening and training. I would like to see training compulsory in primary schools and have been working closely with TOBE-Heartsafe and other charitable organisations to raise awareness, alongside the importance of more research and more access to cardiac screening for young people.”
Contact email: kerry@eyepr.co.uk Mobile: 07799 714006
For Carolyn Harris MP, please email Jo.lloyd@parliament.uk